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Boars Nest

229 Lewis Street, Cardinal , Ontario K0E 1E0


Food Restaurant Bar

229 Lewis Street,
Cardinal, Ontario
K0E 1E0

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+1 613-657-8815

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(5 / 5) based on 2 reviews

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  • This was a fun place to spend the evening with family. Lots of mosquitoes around in the summer though.
    By Graham Globe, November 14, 2016
  • It's a good place I been here 17 years it's like my home don't know what I would do if I walked away from it is think I would open another one some where cheers
    By Kevin Perrin, October 23, 2016
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About Boars Nest in Cardinal

Boars Nest is a food, restaurant and bar in Cardinal, Ontario. Boars Nest is located at 229 Lewis Street.

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